I have just installed Roundcube as a replacement for the default webmail apps available from my hosting company: horde, squirrelmail.
The installation seems to have gone smoothly having followed the install instructions, however, i a get a server error 500 when trying to access the login page.

The Roundcube page displays "SERVICE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE! Error No. 1f4"

Error log gives the following:
"PHP Error: Error loading template for 'login' in /home/xxxxx/public_html/webmail/program/include/main.inc on line 944"

I have deleted the .htaccess file created by Roundcube to see if this helped (as it did with some others) but it was no fix in this instance.
Has anyone seen this before and know what this refers to?
Is this something to do with the Apache httpd.conf file and permissions?