On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 15:43:04 -0700, Arne Berglund <aberglund@lesd.k12.or.us> wrote:

Still beating my head against the wall on getting virtuser_file to work. I have checked out a new SVN copy (currently 3785), built a brand new database, and the only plugin enabled is virtuser_file. No luck. I have the plugin set to pull from a local file on the same server as RC is running. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have still been unable to get the virtuser_file plugin to work, and I really need to have this functionality from SOMEWHERE, if not here. I am no longer certain that I have EVER had this working, as I now believe that when I thought I worked I may have been pulling data from squirrelmail_usercopy instead. That is fine for existing user migrations, but I need a mechanism to insert the correct email address for new users (who never used squirrelmail) going forward.

Here is my situation - RC connects to an external IMAP server (sendmail/dovecot). We have 14 different domains on that single server, but all use a shared namespace. The domain of the IMAP server is not the same as any of the 14 domains in use, and because of the shared namespace, many of the email addresses in use do not share the username.


But when logging in for the first time, RC constructs the email address in my identity as aberglun@hidden.domain.net.

I have a copy of the sendmail virtusertable flat file on the RC server, and have pointed the plugin at that file. The file is in the format of:

arne.berglund@public.domain1.net  aberglun

I can find no evidence that the virtuser lookup is even happening. But can't say for certain that it's not, either.

Is it possible that the virtuser_file plugin can't be used for my particular scenario?

Arne Berglund
System Administrator, Internet Services
Lane Education Service District
Eugene, OR