They are all read and writable by my webserver user and group (i.e. apache). Should it be something else? And right now the permissions look something like wr--r--r-.

Ben Schmidt <> 於 2012/2/13 0:20 寫道:
Maybe the permissions of the config directory are wrong (or even a
directory higher up the file hierarchy)?


On 13/02/12 3:36 PM, Advrk Aplmrkt wrote:

I managed to setup latest Roundcube on my server (w/ MySQL and Apache)
up and through the config file setup.

I downloaded the two config files and moved them into
/var/www/html/webmail/config (webmail is my Roundcube directory), and
chown'ed them to apache.apache (apache is my webserver user). However,
the Roundcube installer says it can't read the config files.

Am I doing anything wrong? Can someone help me troubleshoot this?
Thank you very much!