Roundcube is only a webmail system, it's not a mail server. So a mail sent on friday showing up today means there is something wrong with your mailserver. You should try checking your mail through cpanel based webmail (squirrelmail, horde) and check if it's really roundcube that has this problem or the mail server itself. Moreover, try disabling the cache option in the configuration file as cpanel based systems usually have the mail server and the web server on the same system.

Nipun Jain.

On 9/25/06, Leggatts Financial Services <> wrote:


We have recently started using roundcube for our business email, through the
cpanel used to set up our website.

However, when we log in to check our emails, there is often a nimber in the
panel on the left next to the inbox, indicating that we have new mail, but the
only way to get the new mail into the inbox to read it is by clicking on
refresh or inbox or cjeck mail a few times beofre it is there to be read.

There is also often a long delay in messages actually coming into inbox, i.e.
we had a couple sent on friday, but we only received them in our inbox this

DO you have any ideas why this may be?

Leggatts Financial Services Limited
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IV15 9RT
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"An appointed representative of The Whitechurch Network Limited which is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority"
Leggatts Financial Services Limited
Kempfield Court
IV15 9RT
Tel 01349 863356 Fax 01349 866977

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Email -

"An appointed representative of The Whitechurch Network Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority"