On 04/27/2011 12:42 PM, J4K wrote:
On 04/27/2011 12:34 PM, J4K wrote:
On 04/22/2011 08:02 PM, Thomas Bruederli wrote:
Dear Roundcube users and lovers,

We're happy to announce another release of the Roundcube webmail
suite. This service update brings some more bug fixes and stability
improvements and it includes an updated version of the TinyMCE editor
which is now supposed to work correctly in IE9.

It is considered stable and we recommend to update all existing
Roundcube installation with this release. For a complete list of
changes see http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Changelog. Packages can be
downloaded from the usual place: http://roundcube.net/download

Have fun and happy easter,

Hi all,

    I just upgraded to 0.5.2. Easy to do.  However, I noticed  that the address book entries have disappeared.

The entries are still in the dB, yet RC does not display these.

|       5 |
|         36 | 2011-04-01 16:32:09 |   1 | lyn.jim@aaa.co.uk                                                                 | fred.fred@aaaa.co.uk            |           |          | BEGIN:VCARD

Perhaps the userids are not matching up?

| user_id    | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | 0                   |                |

I ought to mend this before the users notice... Hmm.

Regards, S
By the way, just checked the apache error logs and noticed these:

[Wed Apr 27 12:24:31 2011] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /www/roundcube/admin/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable, referer: https://webmail.xxx.xxx.co.uk/?_task=logout

There is no
/www/roundcube/admin/.htaccess configured. Why is it trying to access this? Perhaps there I can disable this somewhere as I don't use htaccess files.

Address book problem is likely not upgrade related as only one user affected.  All others report addresses being there.  Please close/ignore this thread I have started.

	Email  simon AT klunky DOT co DOT uk   
	PGP is optional: 4BA78604
	I won't accept your confidentiality
	agreement, and your Emails are kept.