yes, in the end I’ve got it working with a couple of notes.
First, Calendar plugin works for me with Apache only. It did not work properly with Nginx. Note that Roundcube does not support Nginx anyway, but it was working. We’re running Roundcube on Nginx for quite some time. Not with Calendar plugin though. You have to switch to Apache.
Another thing is that I had to modify source to get it working as stated before.
But I tried to diff again freshly checked out source and there are massive changes in https://gitlab.awesome-it.de/kolab/roundcube-plugins/tree/feature_caldav
So this all seem to be a moving target. The version I have is definitely not the version you have.
It’s interesting why they commit broken stuff that doesn’t work out of box, but it’s their code and their playground.
Sorry that I can’t help you more on this.

Kind regards,

On 11 Oct 2017, at 22:00, Computerisms Corporation <bob@computerisms.ca> wrote:

Hi Ivars,

I am wondering if you had any success with this in the end?  I have been playing with this plug in for a day or so now and also not having any luck.  I haven't found a problem with expand_user function, but I worked around insert_default_calendar by commenting the call to the function, since I want only caldav anyway.  I have been working my way through several patches in the kolab repository, and every time I do I get new problems and errors, but I don't know if that is fixing it or making it worse.

I have a copy of the myroundcube calendar/calendar_plus plugin, which I also tried to get working, but it seems to rely on the plugin system they were using, and I am not sufficiently skilled in programming to decipher its hiccup, and I don't want to try and transfer their whole plugin system to a new server.  The license on the software doesn't seem to prohibit me from changing the code, but it does prevent me from distributing it, so a dead end road anyway...

I had really hoped the roundcube_next project would solve this caldav issue, but can no longer afford to wait on this...

On 2017-06-01 06:16 AM, Ivars Strazdiņš wrote:
has anyone succeeded to setup RC with Davical and calendar plugins from these guys? https://git.faster-it.com/roundcube_calendar/about/
I have made two attempts, but calendar plugin throws error:
[01-Jun-2017 15:44:21 +0300]: <lv2ds8jr> DAV Error: Not authenticated in /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/calendar/lib/SabreDAV/lib/OldSabre/DAV/Client.php on line 425 (GET /?_task=calendar)
I have debugged that the plugin passes base64 encoded string '%p' instead of real user password to authentication backend. But why and how to fix that - I have no idea really. There is SabreDAV and OldSabre packed inside plugin which makes things even more interesting :/
Once, on my first attempt, I had managed to setup plugin so that it was able to write to CalDAV database, but not able to read (verified from other client). Now I cannot even repeat that with second installation. I get above error message on both GET and POST operations. I suspect it was a configuration thing so maybe that is all that's required to change. But I am not sure.
It should be noted that their repository is not without problems, the fork claims a working configuration, but some functions (insert_default_calendar(), _expand_user()) were missing, I had to add them from original sources here: https://gitlab.awesome-it.de/kolab/roundcube-plugins/tree/feature_caldav
Any insight appreciated. Thanks!
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