Hi There,

For security purposes we disable paths and functions, is there a way we can enable the pgp binary if we move it to the enigma home directory?

Class 'enigma_driver_gpg' not found in ....  is the error we keep getting.
after changing  lib/Crypt/GPG/Engine.php tp look in its home by use of full path to be allowed to bypass our restriction with openbasedirs which naturally does not permit access to system binary directories.

We have also
disable_functions = exec, shell_exec, system, virtual, show_source, passthru, escapeshellcmd, proc_open, popen, pclose, phpinfo, parse_ini_file, eval

I was sure there was a way to tell apache to use php admin value to allow things but cant find references to my problem (which may not even be the actual problem? ) I am only guessing.

We do not want to remove the above restrictions in case one day a zero day is found and can be exploited, I am not permitted to relax.
