Just an FYI, my Inbox is 25,000+ messages and RoundCube loads it in just under 3 seconds.  My manager's Inbox is just uner 50,000 and it takes just over 3 seconds to load.  And this is from our data server that is almost a 5 hour drive away.  I'm not experiencing any problems with folders that have large amounts of messages.

jjh@megalomanic.net wrote:
It sounds like Squirrelmail 1.5.x may finally be only pulling the headers
for a single "page" of index data?  If so, I need to investigate it.. :-)

Given the GUI nature of RC, I'm not sure how practical that is.  Unless
you allow scrolling right away, perhaps with dummy data, and dynamically
fetch the entries you need to show for the current page, as you scroll to
them; and used some kind of persistent connection from the client to the
server, to avoid bashing the imap server.

I don't know how either are polling the database, but shouldn't RoundCube
only be querying a maximum of the "rows per page" setting under Personal
Settings each time you navigate to or in a folder?  I hate to think it is
retrieving thousands of messages and then only showing me 40 each time I
touch something...

... and they use a persistent
connection (but that's cheating, since they aren't a web app).

You can have a partially-persistent imap connection if imapproxy is used on
the backend, or are you talking Apache's not-persistence? 

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/


Chet Finnick

IntraMeta Corporation
  w.  972.231.5999
  c.  214-708-0121
  f.  972.231.7022
  e.  chet@intrameta.com