On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 12:12:22 -0700, Arne Berglund <aberglund@lesd.k12.or.us> wrote:
I haven't registered this as a bug yet, I still need to make sure it hasn't already been reported. Has anyone else seen this?

I am testing Roundcube as a cleaner alternative to squirrelmail in our organization. Using 0.2.2 on Fedora. Most of our users are still using squirrelmail or Thunderbird.

What I see is that a message from a squirrelmail user will arrive with Normal Priority set:

X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Importance: Normal

When I reply in RC, the priority of my outgoing message is set to Lowest, unless I remember to check and reset it.

I do not notice this behavior if there are no Priority or Importance headers. Can anyone else confirm this?
Arne Berglund
System Administrator, Internet Services
Lane Education Service District
Eugene, OR


Another thought. We did see this in 0.2.1 as well. But possibly not in 0.2.

Arne Berglund
System Administrator, Internet Services
Lane Education Service District
Eugene, OR