If you feel like doing it yourself and you have some programming skills, this is a pretty easy fix..read below..

I'm using a pre-beta version of roundcube, but I was able to fix this with a quick hack telling it *not* to reorder the view in the 'Sent' folder if 'to' exists in the $CONFIG['list_cols'] global.

Line numbers may vary based on the version you are using, so please don't hold me to them!! If you do try to fix it, please make sure you backup your current func.inc file :)

On line 257 in program/steps/mail/func.inc in function rcmail_message_list I replaced:

if (strtolower($IMAP->get_mailbox_name())=='sent' && ($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols)))
  $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';


if (strtolower($IMAP->get_mailbox_name())=='sent' && ($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols))
  && ($t != array_search('to', $a_show_cols))) {
  $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';

You will also need to do the same on line 378 in function rcmail_js_message_list.

(P.S. I added the brackets out of habit...keeps the conditionals straight in my head!)

I'm copying dev on this to see if Thomas wants to patch the current source tree with this so hopefully it will be fixed in the next release :)

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 21:50 +0100, GunFro wrote:

The default is this:
// these cols are shown in the message list
// available cols are: subject, from, to, cc, replyto, date, size, encoding
$rcmail_config['list_cols'] = array('subject', 'from', 'date', 'size');
I want some more, like this, added 'to'.
$rcmail_config['list_cols'] = array('subject', 'from', 'to', 'date', 'size');

Works just fine BUT, when I look into 'Sent'.....
subject is subject
from is from
to is date
date is size
size is empty

Seems that the sent folder is 'hard coded' it does not look at the $rcmail_config['list_cols']
Hope that it will be fixed.

Really hope a forum will be up soon.
Thanks for a great 'program'