On Jun 22, 2009, at 9:48 AM, Marcus Gmail wrote:
Any idea?
RC uses UTF-8 by default, which is a Good Thing, and works best for
most situations.
If you have a specific need, you might want to deviate from the default.
( I think your other systems should be switched to UTF-8,
rather than switching RC to ISO-8859-1. )
You may need to change this in index.php
define('RCMAIL_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
I found that by using this shell command :
find /var/www/roundcube -name '*.php' -exec grep -l UTF {} ; and then grepping each of the resulting files for UTF.
You may be using a different version of RC than I am, so that
constant might be defined in a different file.
There may be other places where UTF-8 is hard coded, grep the *.inc
Changing the default charset might break other things, even if it
fixes the problem you are trying to fix.