Not that this is your problem, but I found that if someone is logged
into RC, it checks for messages every single minute. RC _does_ need
to keep the connection alive, but it _doesn't_ need to check for
messages that often. So I changed a value in a JavaScript file to
reduce the web server and IMAP server load.<roundcubedirectory>/program/js/app.js
360c360 < this._int = setInterval(function(){ ref.check_for_recent (); }, this.env.keep_alive * 4900);
this._int = setInterval(function(){ ref.check_for_recent
(); }, this.env.keep_alive * 1000);
The keep alive is still set to the default ( a couple of lines below
the above), but RC won't hit the IMAP server as often.Earlier in the file this is set :
// default environment vars this.env.keep_alive = 60; // seconds
I'll leave figuring out the actual time(s) in seconds as a math
exercise for any readers.
Thanks for the info. Will try use your advice too. _______________________________________________ List info: