2011/10/3 jana1972@centrum.cz
** Can anyone send me a structure of Contacts table in version 0.6 I upgraded to that version but have a problem with contacts.
Same happened to me, added that error of session expired
During updating I received the error
WARNING: Database schema needs to be updated! Missing columns in table 'contacts': words
Open /home/roundcube/SQL/mysql.update.sql and execute all queries below the comment with the currently installed version number. MDB2 Error: no such field (-19): _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: PREPARE mdb2_statement_mysql_206ebea3942ba0794abf09aeec52fe83c1a87f81d FROM 'UPDATE contacts SET changed=now(),
='BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nN: Blak;lan;;;\r\nFN:LADA\r\nEMAIL;type=INTERNET: *export@google.com \r\n* END:VCARD',name
=' Bank',words
=' lada *export@google.com* lan Bank' WHERE contact_id=? AND user_id=? AND del<>1'] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'words' in 'field list']Thanks for help
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