Hello Oliver,

When you state you "turned on the displaying of error messages", do you mean you changed the value of the $rcmail_config['debug_level'] variable? Does the error message show up in the web browser or in your log files?

And the server it's asking for is the IMAP server you wish to connect to. For instance, what mail server would you enter if you were to set up an IMAP account in MS Outlook? It's the same here.

I also don't see where "session_start()" is listed in the main.inc.php file. What version of RoundCube are you running? I installed 01-beta from the ports collection on FreeBSD and, too, followed the Paul Stamatiou guide for installation and was able to get it up and running fairly smoothly.

Let me know.


On 3/6/06, Oliver pfaff <pfaffoliver@hotmail.com> wrote:


I recently tried to install roundcube, everything went well except that i
was greeted by a blank login srceen. I did everything as described at
ww.paulstamatiou.com no hicups and rechecked it as well.

I turned on the displaying of error messages and all i get is two notices

IMAP_USE_HEADER_DATE and  _auth variables.

I did some digging and if i comment out session_start() in
/program/include/main.inc the page displays asking me for username, password
AND server.

Why would it ask for a server? What server?

With the sessions turned off the url looks like:


which previously wasnt there.

Can anyone tell me whats going on & how i can fix it?


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