What's your error level set to in your main config? Try setting it to only log, not a higher one that displays as well.
Also, is there any HTML that shows up when you view source?
Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern wrote:
I have checked everything. I had even logged in using roundcube´s user. Everything seens to be fine. What else should i check? -- Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern
Desenvolvimento de sistemas WEB multiplataforma.
--------- Mensagem Original -------- De: Nipun Jain jain.nipun@gmail.com Para: Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern fernando@tifacil.com.br Assunto: Re: Blank page :( Data: 13/04/06 14:10
Then re check your db.inc file. Some typo might be causing this error. Or
you might have forgotter to add the user to the db. Thats the common mistakes I did which cause me to get a blank page.
On 4/13/06, Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern <fernando@tifacil.com.br>
I have done it.Well, actually i followed this tutorial -->
http://fak3r.com/articles/2005/11/15/howto-install-roundcube-webmail-from-cv... Marcelo MorgensternDesenvolvimento de sistemas WEB multiplataforma.--------- Mensagem Original --------
De: Nipun Jain <jain.nipun@gmail.com>Para: Fernando Marcelo
Morgenstern <fernando@tifacil.com.br>Cópia:
users@lists.roundcube.netAssunto: Re: Blank page :(Data: 13/04/06
13:52> Well, to start with, create a blank database and a user for roundcube.Grant that user all access to this particular db and configure your
db.incfile (be sure to rename them). Also be sure to run the initial.sql
query onthe db to create the tables.>> On 4/13/06, Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern &lt;fernando@tifacil.com.br&gt;wrote:
> I´m using Linux. I have set the permissions on log to 700 and the
owneraswww-data (apache´s user). I have php enabled and working fine but about> mysql, can you tell me what can be wrong?--Fernando Marcelo
MorgensternDesenvolvimento de sistemas WEB
multiplataforma.---------Mensagem Original --------De: N P List &lt;> nplist@xnet.com&gt;Para: Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern&lt;fernando@tifacil.com.br&gt
;Cópia: users@lists.roundcube.net> Assunto: Re: Blank page :(Data:
13/04/06 13:32&gt; Fernando MarceloMorgenstern wrote:&gt;&gt; &amp;gt;Hi, i'm trying to install roundcube but
i'm getting an blank page. Ilooked&gt; &amp;gt;at logs/ but it was
empty.Tried to look at apache's error log but i> didn't&gt; &amp;gt;found anything. What is happening?&gt; &amp;gt;&gt;
&amp;gt;--&gt; &amp;gt;Fernando Marcelo Morgenstern&gt;
&amp;gt;&gt;&amp;gt;Desenvolvimento de sistemas WEB multiplataforma.> &gt; &amp;gt;&gt; &amp;gt;&gt; Make sure your log and temp directories
have 777 permission, otherwise&gt; logs don't get
written.&nbsp;&nbsp;Iguess you are running it on Linux/Unix.&nbsp;&nbsp;I&gt; think it might be apermission problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh yes, just a thought, does
> &gt; Apache have PHP mod enabled?&gt;&gt;
Ciao,&gt;&gt; Nitin&gt;>