Firstly, thanks to the developers for a really nice product!
I have made the switch from Squirrelmail to RoundCubeMail for (remote) webmail - which is a nice improvement. I have also bitten the bullet and also switched from Thunderbird (for local mail) as well even though there are a few features that I am missing because I think the advantages of having a single mail client again (and one that has a SQL DB for it's data) outweighs the disadvantages. I have been using RCM heavily for some days now and am quite impressed but here are the features I am missing from TB (I know some are already recognised as wish list items but I thought I would repeat them to add weight to their status). In the order I discovered them:
a facility for inserting a text file into the body text
a header lines editor
show ALL of the items in the mail items pane ( increase max from 200
-> 999?)
facility to open (as opposed to save) PDFs
facility to list only folders with unread mails
facility to automatically add new addressees to Address Book from
outgoing mails
keyboard shortcuts
RSS feeds (this seems to have been discussed on the fora a bit but
does not seem to be properly available?)
And also a question: Can plugins be written in Ruby? (I supposed I should read the plugin stuff . .)
Philip Rhoades
GPO Box 3411 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia E-mail: