I'm attempting to install roundcube 1.1.0 on OpenBSD 5.7.
Hopefully I have supplied enough info. for someone to give me a
hand. While following the install steps I see the following:
Check DB config
DSN (write):
DB Schema:
DB Write:
NOT OK([14] unable to open database file (SQL Query:
INSERT INTO "session" ("sess_id", "created", "ip", "vars")
VALUES ('e1888c6202c82b43dedc3dd8e4299800', datetime('now'),
'', 'foo')))
DB Time:
and the following in the logs
[30-Jul-2015 02:32:10 +0000]: <tismr6ha> DB Error:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file in
/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 177
(GET /roundcubemail/)
[30-Jul-2015 02:32:10 +0000]: <tismr6ha> DB Error:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file (GET
[30-Jul-2015 03:18:46 +0000]: <tismr6ha> DB Error: [14]
unable to open database file (SQL Query: INSERT INTO "users"
("created", "last_login", "username", "mail_host", "language")
VALUES (datetime('now'), datetime('now'), 'edgar@pettijohn-web.com',
'localhost', 'en_US')) in
/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line
541 (POST /?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
[30-Jul-2015 03:18:46 +0000]: <tismr6ha> PHP Error: Failed
to create new user in
/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_user.php on
line 611 (POST /?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
[30-Jul-2015 03:18:46 +0000]: <tismr6ha> PHP Error: Failed
to create a user record. Maybe aborted by a plugin? in
/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/include/rcmail.php on line 610
(POST /?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
[30-Jul-2015 03:18:46 +0000]: <tismr6ha> DB Error: [14]
unable to open database file (SQL Query: INSERT INTO "session"
("sess_id", "vars", "ip", "created", "changed") VALUES
'x.x.x.x', datetime('now'), datetime('now'))) in
/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line
541 (POST /?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
from config.inc.php
$config['db_dsnw'] =
I have tried every permissions setting that seems reasonable up
to 0777 with no luck
# ls -l roundcubemail/db
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root www 46080 Jul 29 22:09 sqlite.db
sqlite.db created as follows:
# sqlite3 -init SQL/sqlite.initial.sql db/sqlite.db
Thanks in advance.
Edgar Pettijohn