Hi All

I have a curious problem (probably shown on this email) where Roundcube (I assume) is inserting blank space at the top of emails.

It happens on new mail, replies and forwards but it doesn't insert the space until after I hit send. It's also not consistent - happens sometimes not others even exactly replicating the process.

If I look at the source, the text version has a couple bonus linefeeds, and the html version has :

<p>&nbsp;</p> <div>&nbsp;</div>

I'm not inserting any blanks, and it happens even if I create an email and type just one word, no space key, no enter key.

Does seem to only be html compose so maybe TinyMCE issue ?

Its not exactly the end of the world, but it is a little annoying. I'm on the latest version: 1.1.3

Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated.
