I'm sorry if this question has been many times asked, I've searched and found a few things that may seem outdated, messy and/or overcomplicated to maintain...
The result I'm trying to get: Roundcube with calendars and contacts that are available through Caldav/Carddav protocols, so users can switch between RC and Thuderbird or "smartphone" clients with ease.
So far I found I could integrate OwnCloud within RC, but that seems a bit overkill (and comes with other issues), or I could install Radicale, Davical or some other *Dav thing and then figure out how to get it to work within RC (I found a Carddav client plugin). Other ideas include moving my whole system to Kolab, or perhaps just moving from Dovecot to Cyrus (which seems to be how Kolab works). The latter solutions would imply RC *dav client plugins which doesn't seem to be the case for the default calendar plugin (backend types don't include caldav).
So the question is, what's the simplest well documented way to achieve this (if possible) ?