I've seen in the logs this info, and i'd like to know what triggers it.
Would it be the same user logged in more than one place? (well the sessid should be different for sure)
Was the user that closed the browser and opened it again in the same page?
Another reason?
To handle this what would be the best option, insert it using insert ignore or replace? Or should it be like this?
Oct 17 18:33:36 fastweb roundcube: <i43tda9m> DB Error: [1062] Duplicate
entry 'i43tda9m0k8a0dukdshmvoettq' for key 'PRIMARY' (SQL Query: INSERT INTO
, vars
, ip
, changed
Za2dzQVJTbHlzN2VkT1VWTkJSN3lodFR2NiI7', '', now())) in
/home/hosting/ on line
543 (GET