I try to write in English.
Since a few days I'm using CubeMail.
In Germany many Users uses an AW: instead of Re: in the subject of an Reply-Mail.
Answering an Reply-Mail (starting with AW:) results in Re: AW: ..
That doesn't look good.
For this case I've added an line in the program/steps/mail/compose.inc
starting at line 893: // create a reply-subject else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY) { // NEW begin if (preg_match('/^aw:/i', $MESSAGE->subject)) {$MESSAGE->subject[0] = 'R'; $MESSAGE->subject[1] = 'e';} // AW: = Re: // NEW end if (preg_match('/^re:/i', $MESSAGE->subject)) $subject = $MESSAGE->subject; else $subject = 'Re: '.$MESSAGE->subject; } ---cut---
Please add this function to future versions.
Best regards from Germany
Ulli (Heist)
-- http://heist.hobby-site.org/
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/ BT/9b404e9e