Hi, I'm migrating from an older roundcube and wanted to try the new system to install plugins. Obviously too stupid to work it out though...
So I:
create composer.json from the default compser.json-dist
download composer.phar to the root of the roundcube install
run: "php composer install" (seems to work as expected)
Now I try and add dovecot_impersonate as an extra plugin:
# cat composer.json { "name": "roundcube/roundcubemail", "description": "The Roundcube Webmail suite", "license": "GPL-3.0+", "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "http://plugins.roundcube.net/" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "roundcube/plugin-installer": ">=0.1.3", "cor/dovecot_impersonate": ">=2.0.2" }, "minimum-stability": "dev" }
./vendor? There are no prompts to install anything? What to do now?
# php composer.phar update -vvv Reading ./composer.json Loading config file ./composer.json Executing command (CWD): git describe --exact-match --tags Executing command (CWD): git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v Executing command (CWD): hg branch Executing command (CWD): svn info --xml Loading composer repositories with package information Downloading http://plugins.roundcube.net/packages.json Writing /root/.composer/cache/repo/http---plugins.roundcube.net/packages.json into cache Downloading https://packagist.org/packages.json Writing /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/packages.json into cache Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/p-provider-active.json from cache Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/p-provider-archived.json from cache Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/p-provider-latest.json from cache Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/p-provider-stale.json from cache Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/provider-roundcube$plugin-installer.json from cache Reading /root/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/provider-curl$curl.json from cache
Executing command (CWD): git clone --no-checkout 'git://github.com/php-mod/curl.git' '/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl' && cd '/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl' && git remote add composer 'git ://github.com/php-mod/curl.git' && git fetch composer Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl): git remote set-url --push origin 'git@github.com:php-mod/curl.git' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl): git branch -r Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl): git checkout 'master' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl): git reset --hard '82cac3f504e2c6b31eb0f379dc2f80f6d0e80cbb'
REASON: cor/dovecot_impersonate dev-master requires curl/curl
dev-master -> satisfiable by curl/curl[dev-master].
Executing command (CWD): git clone --no-checkout 'git://github.com/corbosman/dovecot_impersonate.git' '/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate' && cd '/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot _impersonate' && git remote add composer 'git://github.com/corbosman/dovecot_impersonate.git' && git fetch composer Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate): git remote set-url --push origin 'git@github.com:corbosman/dovecot_impersonate.git' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate): git branch -r Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate): git checkout 'master' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate): git reset --hard 'f8b94a814c5ebffa463f7bf34fe8fe31f2882646'
REASON: Required by root: Install command rule (install
cor/dovecot_impersonate dev-master|install cor/dovecot_impersonate 2.0.2)
Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/roundcube/plugin-installer): git log -n1 --pretty=%ct '0.1.5' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/curl/curl): git log -n1 --pretty=%ct '82cac3f504e2c6b31eb0f379dc2f80f6d0e80cbb' Executing command (/var/www/webmail.mailasail.com/htdocs/vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate): git log -n1 --pretty=%ct 'f8b94a814c5ebffa463f7bf34fe8fe31f2882646' Reading ./composer.lock Writing lock file Generating autoload files
On 01/09/2014 18:41, Ed W wrote:
Hi, I'm migrating from an older roundcube and wanted to try the new system to install plugins. Obviously too stupid to work it out though...
So I:
create composer.json from the default compser.json-dist
download composer.phar to the root of the roundcube install
run: "php composer install" (seems to work as expected)
Now I try and add dovecot_impersonate as an extra plugin:
# cat composer.json { "name": "roundcube/roundcubemail", "description": "The Roundcube Webmail suite", "license": "GPL-3.0+", "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "http://plugins.roundcube.net/" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "roundcube/plugin-installer": ">=0.1.3", "cor/dovecot_impersonate": ">=2.0.2" }, "minimum-stability": "dev" }
- It pulls down a bunch of git repos, but leaves everything in
./vendor? There are no prompts to install anything? What to do now?
Hmm, so I tried a random other plugin, *that* plugin is installed into ./plugins. However, dovecot_impersonate is left in ./vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate ?
There is very, very little documentation on how this is supposed to work. Could someone please give me a hint on what is supposed to happen here? is the plugin borked?
Ed W
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Ed W lists@wildgooses.com wrote:
Hmm, so I tried a random other plugin, *that* plugin is installed into ./plugins. However, dovecot_impersonate is left in ./vendor/cor/dovecot_impersonate ?
There is very, very little documentation on how this is supposed to work. Could someone please give me a hint on what is supposed to happen here? is the plugin borked?
The plugin's composer.json file misses the "type": "roundcube-plugin" specification. @cor, please review and fix your composer.json files.
Kind regards, Thomas