Using the calendar and libcalendaring plugins from kolab git with current stable RC 1.1.3 doesnt work, save error, yes, i did run the mysql init, errors report:
no e.* are created by the database setup scripts?
DB Error: [1054] Unknown column 'e.calendar_id' in 'where clause' (SQL Query: SELECT e.*, (SELECT COUNT(attachment_id) FROM attachments WHERE event_id = e.event_id OR event_id = e.recurrence_id) AS _attachments FROM events e WHERE e.calendar_id IN ('1') AND e.start <= '2015-12-07 00:00:00' AND e.end >= '2015-10-26 00:00:00') in /web/webmail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 543 (GET /?_task=calendar&source=1&_action=load_events&start=1445781600&end=1449410400&_=1445063150065)
On 10/17/2015 08:59 AM, Nick Edwards wrote:
I see the calendar_id column in events table here:
But they are not added? events table has 25 columns and half of them dont look like this plugins.
I think the SQL statement is wrong create table if not exists. but events and events_cache tables do exist, so it ignores that statement, I'm trying to find out what plugin added it. if its nothing of consequence I'll nuke them and run the script again, but maybe the script needs to be written better to detect stuff like this?
On 10/17/15, A.L.E.C wrote:
Hi Nick
Haven't seen you on IRC for a while, hope things are well...
Are you upgrading? Or is this new? Do you have an existing calendar directory as well? Perhaps related to older version, load up phpmyadmin and browse them, if your not sure, maybe paste the table structure so we can have a guess at what it might be?
On 18/10/2015 13:14, Nick Edwards wrote:
Hi, yeah been ok thanks hope same your way, been busy, moving back to Aus in December too!
I did have an early calendar, you hit nail on the head, nothing else seems to use events, so I dumped it, and now has taken and added the right tables and seems to be working by my testing!
On 10/18/15, Noel Butler wrote: