Dear Mrs,
My mail server have LOGIN with EMAIL ADDRESS ( but i login failed... :-(
How I configure login with the email address?
Renato Tel.: (11) 6939-8822
OrigemWeb Hospedagem Corporativa
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Renato // OrigemWeb wrote:
/My mail server have LOGIN with EMAIL ADDRESS ( but i login failed... :-(/ // How I configure login with the email address?
Look into the mailing list archive. There was a similar question just a few days ago.
roundcube ist just an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook. Only difference is, that the GUI uses a web browser. So log in with the same username and password as you would with any other email client. If that doesn't work describe the problem more verbose. Are you able to access your mail account with other clients? Did you set up roundcube yourself?
By the way: It is not very nice to send HTML email to a mailing list. Many people use text based mail readers which do not process HTML.