Yes, that's what we are using too but I'm having problems accessing agendav with Safari 6 so I was looking for a more integrated solution.
El 13/08/2012, a les 0:10, Javier Miguel Rodríguez va escriure:
We are using agendav+davical with our Roundcube 0.7.2
El 11/08/2012 15:51, Aleix Dorca Josa escribió:
Thanks for your answers... I've been trying it today. It looks great and it integrates perfectly with RC. The one from MyRoundCube plugins has its own icons, I don't understand why, but as Sebastian says CalDav is a necessity.
We'll keep waiting...
Is this a new plugin? It looks great...
It's written by Roundcube developers for Kolab Systems. It has driver-based backend and currently supports SQL and Kolab backends.
are there any plans to provide a CalDAV backend for this calendar? Thanks, Sebastian