I run two domains on one host. With one I have no problem using PGP with the otherone it does not work. Both domains use version 1.3.3 and enigma 0.7.
Importing keys works, signing and encryption does not. I set $config['debug_level'] = 4; but nothing is logged at the moment.
How can I debug that thing? I get the pinentry thing to input the passphrase and then it says signing failed.
Am 2018-03-01 21:01, schrieb Andreas Meyer:
I run two domains on one host. With one I have no problem using PGP with the otherone it does not work. Both domains use version 1.3.3 and enigma 0.7.
Importing keys works, signing and encryption does not. I set $config['debug_level'] = 4; but nothing is logged at the moment.
How can I debug that thing? I get the pinentry thing to input the passphrase and then it says signing failed.
After disabling $config['debug_level'] = 4 I see this in the log:
[01-Mar-2018 21:00:50 +0100]: <upfgboj6> PHP Error: Enigma plugin: Unknown error detach-signing data. Please use the 'debug' option when creating the Crypt_GPG object, and file a bug report at http://pear.php.net/bugs/report.php?package=Crypt_GPG in /vwww/HIDDEN/root/mailsystem/plugins/enigma/lib/enigma_engine.php on line 914 (POST /mailsystem/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1519934450236&_lang=de_DE&_framed=1&_action=send)
Kind regards
Am 2018-03-01 21:10, schrieb Andreas Meyer:
How can I debug that thing? I get the pinentry thing to input the passphrase and then it says signing failed.
After disabling $config['debug_level'] = 4 I see this in the log:
[01-Mar-2018 21:00:50 +0100]: <upfgboj6> PHP Error: Enigma plugin: Unknown error detach-signing data. Please use the 'debug' option when creating the Crypt_GPG object, and file a bug report at http://pear.php.net/bugs/report.php?package=Crypt_GPG in /vwww/HIDDEN/root/mailsystem/plugins/enigma/lib/enigma_engine.php on line 914 (POST /mailsystem/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1519934450236&_lang=de_DE&_framed=1&_action=send)
Seems it was a problem with permissions. After a chown -R wwwrun:www . in enigma/home/>account> signing and encryption works. Not shure if this is ok.