Hello List,
I have a single domain mail server where I would like the users to be able to login with:
user@domain.com or user
I have successfully accomplished this by setting the virtual_mailbox_domains in postfix + $config['default_host'] in roundcube.
However, depending on what username does the user uses 2 separate entries gets created for him in the DB with 2 settings.
This is problematic because I would like to add automatic address collection, vacation and other things which then will be binded to 2 separate accounts, depending on which format does the user uses to login.
*************************** 1. row *************************** user_id: 1 username: test mail_host: domain.com created: 2018-04-23 13:46:46 last_login: 2018-04-23 14:24:28 failed_login: NULL failed_login_counter: NULL language: en_US preferences: a:2:{s:11:"search_mods";a:4:{s:1:"*";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:4:"from";i:1;}s:4:"Sent";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:2:"to";i:1;}s:6:"Drafts";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:2:"to";i:1;}s:5:"INBOX";a:1:{s:4:"text";i:1;}}s:11:"client_hash";s:16:"P8AYcIa0hrn5LiPp";} *************************** 2. row *************************** user_id: 2 username: test@domain.com mail_host: domain.com created: 2018-04-23 14:24:00 last_login: 2018-04-23 14:24:00 failed_login: NULL failed_login_counter: NULL language: en_US preferences: a:2:{s:11:"search_mods";a:3:{s:1:"*";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:4:"from";i:1;}s:4:"Sent";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:2:"to";i:1;}s:6:"Drafts";a:2:{s:7:"subject";i:1;s:2:"to";i:1;}}s:11:"client_hash";s:16:"aL4mNejbFMtvV1DE";} 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Is there any possibility to merge these in the database automatically?