I wrote a very quick change password form for an hmailserver instance
(http://www.hmailserver.com). It left me wondering what the intent was
for changing passwords in a more pluggable way so that I might make my
quick form more usable and extensible for others.
Thank you for your work,
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
received an E-Mail with following Date-Line (in Function
iil_C_FetchHeaders, lib/imap.inc):
After some research (i'm a noob in E-Mail-Specification) it seems to be
a quoted-printable String (RFC2821). Since it is quoted the followed
function iil_StrToTime can't interpret it properly and so can't extract
the Date. I'm now not sure, but think the Header-information should be
decoded before if the call of iil_StrToTime. I'm not sure if it is a
problem with other Header-Lines which were received in this function.
The same problem can occour also on several other lines in imap.inc
(iil_C_FetchHeaderIndex). Since the Iloha-Library should be replaced
(???) is it still a problem?
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
I want to clarify that my question wasn't about changing double-click
behavior, it's about reducing/removing the delay for single click
behavior. Right now, there is 1/2 a second delay before loading an
email preview, presumably to prevent redundant loading of the email when
that click was the first of an intended double-click.
If reducing server load is more important than reducing end-user
waiting, it makes sense. At our site, we'd rather use more servers and
deliver a more responsive application.
One thing that we've discovered is that if you don't schedule the single
click behavior and just call it immediately on click, auto-loading the
next message after dragging one to the trash won't work. (When
"flag_for_deletion" = false). However, if you schedule it for 0
microseconds later, it still works.
Can anyone think of other problems with reducing the dblclick_time?
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:43:02 -0400, ziba <ziba(a)umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering what the purpose(s) of dblclick_time are as used in
> program/js/app.js:this.msglist_select
> It seems clear that it will prevent the message preview from loading
> while the user is about to hit their second click to open the full
> message screen. There is some nice economy there. However, if they
> are just single clicking with the intent to see the preview it adds
> 0.51 seconds before the preview is shown.
> Are there other reasons for waiting dblclick_time + 10 after a single
> click to show the preview? If not, I'd side with the faster preview
> time over the economy of not loading the preview before loading the
> whole message.
> Ziba Scott
> Web Application Developer
> Web/DB Team, Information Technology Central Services
> The University of Michigan
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
> I hope I could provide a small patch on monday for testing.
I made it. The Patch is made with SVN Version 1626. I implemented it
slightly different. I'll describe it here:
1 Config: optional you can set a plugin directory, default is as follows:
$rcmail_config['plugin_dir'] = 'plugins/';
2 At the points where different plugin-actions should raise:
Currently only this action is defined - other follow if the code is proved.
As not really needed to implement a own function for each plugin-action it
gives us a good documentation.
3 As rcube_plugins is a singleton class it is initialized when first needed.
... the constructor calls registerPlugins()
which loops thru the plugin-directory and searches for plugin classes and
initiates them:
This defaults to ./plugins/Pluginname/Pluginname.php which includes 'class
4 on the call to actionUserLoggedIn() in 2. the rcube_plugins singleton
tries to find a matching method actionUserLoggedIn() in any plugin class.
5 demoEventLogger is an very small example plugin which should write a log
to the temp folder.
Why I implemented it this way:
* there is no need for configuration in RC
* there is no need for an extra hook registration in the plugins
* because you may have a better way to do it?
You will find the patch-file and a complete 7zip file including the whole
roundcubemail folder here:
The patch file is also included in this mail.
As I am not the greatest php programmer it would be great if someone can
review it.
Thanks, yours
Florian Lagg
Florian Lagg - IT-Komplettlösungen
Juch 7, 6631 Lermoos
tel +43 (699) 10 20 10 24
www.lagg.at - info(a)lagg.at
Xing: http://www.xing.com/go/invite/7372113.3da562
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Updated Arabic language translation attached.
Ossama Khayat
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Hello there.
I am new in this list and my english is almost enough to comunicate.
Recently I donloaded the 0.2-alpha version of RC. In the older version
with this guide:
A little (very little) of Frenh knowledge and a lot of patience in PHP
coding I barely configure the Change-Password feature in 0.1 version.
Now, finding where this code is in the new version (line numbers and
syntax changes make it more difficult) I put again the modifications
into this version.
But, there is no preferences redirect to the passwd script, leading me
to User Preferences default page, not to ?_task=settings&_action=passwd
where it has to go to. I suspect it is in the JS code, but my knoledge
is not so complete.
I am using a MySQL database and the passwd.inc script included in the
URL is properly set. The thing that is not working is the redirect to
the script itself in preferences box, but JS is not one of my prefered
I am interesed on help in development of RC, maybe helping on make a
good password-change plugin or section. I have a pair of ideas of how to
make it, taking care of SQL/LDAP/PAM possibilities. I know of PHP (not
OOP but I consider myself a good procedural coder) and I have my skils
on GNU/linux system administration (at least postfix related things)
Any clue?
| Octavio Rossell Tabet
| http://octavio.unplug.org.ve
| irc.unplug.org.ve #unplug
| Usuario de GNU/Linux: 278860
| Huella de clave = 2BD5081C
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Kaixo (Hi!)!
Here translates to Euskara (Basque)
Gaur da Bihar
Aurreztu papera. E-posta hau inprimatu beharra daukazu?
Ahorra papel. ¿Necesitas imprimir este correo?
Mezu honek eta eranskinek informazio konfidentziala eduki dezakete.
Igorri zaion pertsonari bakarrik zuzendua da. Legeak mezuak daukan
informazioa zabaltzea, kopiatzea edo hirugarren bati helaraztea debekatzen
Internet bidez bidalitako posta elektronikoak ez du konfidentzialtasuna
bermatzen, ezta transmisio zuzena ere.
Este mensaje y sus anexos pueden contener información confidencial y están
exclusivamente dirigidos a sus destinatarios, quedando prohibida su
divulgación, copia o distribución a terceros.
Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo inmediatamente
al remitente y bórrelo de su sistema.
El correo electrónico vía Internet no permite garantizar ni la
confidencialidad de los mensajes ni su correcta transmisión.
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my question is why in RC the display (logging) of Notice-Warnings are
disabled. Okey, Notices are often nothing important, but sometimes they
show some rare problematic cases, which are not an error but a
program-failure. For example: I got those Notices:
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 630
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined index: in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 631
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 633
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 634
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 635
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 639
[18-Aug-2008 15:23:54] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in
/var/www/web231/files/site1/webmail/lib/imap.inc on line 640
I have to say, that i use RC-0.1 stable. This warning are from the
Function "iil_StrToTime" and all undefined offsets point to the variable
$a. Since this notice is logged in a working environment (so this happen
to some of the user, who used RC) i can't reproduce the problem. But
there must be a case where the Time-String is not right so this function
does work right on it. When does it happen?
I had several other problematic cases which i could repair by myself, so
my suggestion is to enable also the Notice-Warnings. What do you think
about this?
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
When checking for new messages RoundCube displays a loading message. This
feedback is useful when the user has click the "Check for new message"
button, but it is also displayed when RoundCube automatically checks for
new mail. I think RoundCube should only display the message when the user
has manually initiated a check.
What do others think about this behavior?
I've created a feature request, and submitted a patch:
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