I’ve attached an updated Swedish localization.
Jonas Nasholm
Bitfuse Network
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List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
Hello RoundCube users and list lurkers
After getting plenty of feedback for the plugin API [1] which was published
in version 0.3-beta we now released an almost-ready-to-hit-the-road version
of RoundCube. The reason why this not yet a stable release are some
pervasive changes on the IMAP backend in order to improve performance. See
Changelog [2] for details
We'd like our dear users to extensively test this release candidate and
submit errors to our bug tracker [3]. The 0.3-stable release will follow
You can get 0.3-RC1 from the download section of our website [4].
Best regards,
[1] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Doc_Plugins
[2] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Changelog
[3] http://trac.roundcube.net/report
[4] http://roundcube.net/downloads
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
Hi all,
I've created a plugin to let users register an account.
Similar to the "password" plugin it is driver based.
Would be great to get drivers for other servers than
hmailserver! So please add some!
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List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
I am following up on a submitted bug and was hoping someone else could
confirm the behaviour I'm seeing.
I have added the following to program/steps/addressbook/search.inc to
demonstrate the problem (note that first line below should be the
existing line 34).
$_SESSION['search'][$search_request] = $CONTACTS->get_search_set();
$kfh = fopen("logs/filter", "a");
fwrite($kfh, "Filter at search.inc (in SESSION)\n ");
fwrite($kfh, $_SESSION['search'][$search_request]);
fwrite($kfh, "\n");
fwrite($kfh, "Filter at search.inc (in CONTACTS)\n ");
fwrite($kfh, $CONTACTS->get_search_set());
fwrite($kfh, "\n");
What I am seeing after the first search is that
$_SESSION['search'][$search_request] does indeed equal
$CONTACTS->get_search_set() (which is a full valid filter). However, for
every subsequent search, $_SESSION['search'][$search_request] ends up
being "(", even though $CONTACTS->get_search_set() does contain the full
valid filter.
Basically, it seems that the assignment on line 34 works fine for the
first search, but fails after that. It can be reset by logging out and
in again.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
I have written an implementation of message threading for RoundCube.
You can find it here: http://www.atomice.com/blog/?page_id=34
I have split it into a number of separate patches to make it easier to
apply. The patches are against yesterday's SVN trunk. I hope it can be
committed, but I appreciate a few things may need tweaking first.
Please review it.
Chris January
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
Dear devs,
After tweaking the hungarian translation files for hours, I decided to give
it back to you all.
First I corrected the files included in RC 0.2.2, after I merged it with the
one from Barnabas BONA <bsi(a)hosember.hu> (
http://lists.roundcube.net/mail-archive/dev/2009-07/0000067.html ), then I
formatted it according to the most recent en_US files from svn.
All hungarian files needed some care and global reformatting, but I think my
work paid off, we will use this version in our production environment!
Please commit it to svn. Thank you!
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List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/
Hi, how can it happen that I have different timezone offsets in my
logs? The write_log function in main.inc should default to php time(). But
why can this result in different timezone offsets? Some insight please ...
Currently it is hard to track back issues back to apache access logfile.
Regards, Roland [09-Jul-2009 07:00:49 +0200]: Successful login for
demo0(a)mail4us.net (id 1175) from
[09-Jul-2009 02:26:39 -0400]:
Successful login for demo(a)mail4us.net (id 1171) from
[10-Jul-2009 07:39:56 +0900]: Successful login for demo(a)mail4us.net (id
1215) from
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/