I'm testing, or trying to test, roundcube on my test server, and I want to use PostgreSQL, but even though the install file says it has support for this DB, I can't find the .sql file.
Does it exist?
PostgreSQL implementation is still buggy and it is not officially supported. Should be ready until the next release.
Regards, Thomas
Martín Marqués wrote:
I'm testing, or trying to test, roundcube on my test server, and I want to use PostgreSQL, but even though the install file says it has support for this DB, I can't find the .sql file.
Does it exist?
El Mié 23 Nov 2005 12:03, Thomas Bruederli escribió:
PostgreSQL implementation is still buggy and it is not officially supported. Should be ready until the next release.
OK, but that isn't a problem, cause I'm installing it to make tests. I'll get a pgsql.init.sql and pgsql.upgrade.sql file from the mysql one, and send it (to the list, or some other email address?).
Mean while I'll test the PG connections.
I suggest to get the latest CVS version because this already has basic support for Postrgres but is not fully tested (I just don't have enough time...). There's also a postgres.initial.sql file available in the CVS tree.
Please send any patches to roundcube@gmail.com
Thanks! Thomas
Martín Marqués wrote:
El Mié 23 Nov 2005 12:03, Thomas Bruederli escribió:
PostgreSQL implementation is still buggy and it is not officially supported. Should be ready until the next release.
OK, but that isn't a problem, cause I'm installing it to make tests. I'll get a pgsql.init.sql and pgsql.upgrade.sql file from the mysql one, and send it (to the list, or some other email address?).
Mean while I'll test the PG connections.
there is a patch that is required to use postgresql, which can be found on the sourgeforge site for roundcube.
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 11:17:42 -0300, Martín Marqués martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar wrote:
I'm testing, or trying to test, roundcube on my test server, and I want to use PostgreSQL, but even though the install file says it has support for this DB, I can't find the .sql file.
Does it exist?
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Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' || Centro de Telemática | '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'; Universidad Nacional | DBA, Programador, del Litoral | Administrador