I just installed the latest Roundcube snapshot (no CVS) and upon
login I get the following error message:
DB Error in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcube/program/include/
rcube_db.inc (129): DB Error: unknown error
DB Error in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcube/program/include/
rcube_db.inc (204): DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO cache
(created, user_id, session_id, cache_key, data) VALUES (NOW(), 1,
NULL, 'IMAP.INBOX.msg', 'a:1386:{i:21217;O:14:"iilbasicheader":24:
37:"[smultron - Open Discussion] RE: CVS?";s:4:"from";s:43:
""SourceForge.net" ";s:2:"to";s:23:"noreply@sourceforge.net
";s:0:"";s:4:"date";s:31:"Tue, 08 Nov 2005 13:36:16 -0800";s:9:
";s:20:"08-Nov-2005 22:28:50";s:8:"is_reply";N;s:7:"charset";s:
However the cache table is not empty and roundcube works as expected.
It's just ugly :)
The host runs linux, Gentoo with Apache 1.3.33, Mysql 4.0.24 and PHP
By the way. the variable $INSTALL_PATH in bugs.inc seems to be
discarded. I had to manually add a link to the logs dir in roundcube/
-- Stefan Nicolin mailto:stefan@nicolinux.de http://www.nicolinux.org GnuPG/PGP Key-ID: 0x79D4B1AD
This is a known bug. for additional information: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/packet-too-large.html
Will be fixed soon....
Regards, Thomas
Stefan Nicolin wrote:
I just installed the latest Roundcube snapshot (no CVS) and upon login I get the following error message:
DB Error in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcube/program/include/ rcube_db.inc (129): DB Error: unknown error DB Error in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcube/program/include/ rcube_db.inc (204): DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO cache
(created, user_id, session_id, cache_key, data) VALUES (NOW(), 1, NULL, 'IMAP.INBOX.msg', 'a:1386:{i:21217;O:14:"iilbasicheader":24: {s:2:"id";s:4:"1386";s:3:"uid";s:5:"21217";s:7:"subject";s: 37:"[smultron - Open Discussion] RE: CVS?";s:4:"from";s:43: ""SourceForge.net" ";s:2:"to";s:23:"noreply@sourceforge.net ";s:2:"cc";s:0:"";s:7:"replyto";s:0:"";s:11:"in_reply_to ";s:0:"";s:4:"date";s:31:"Tue, 08 Nov 2005 13:36:16 -0800";s:9: "messageID";s:45:"E1EZb8a-0006QB-R4@sc8-sf-web1.sourceforge.net ";s:4:"size";s:4:"3821";s:8:"encoding";s:0:"";s:5:"ctype ";s:10:"text/plain";s:5:"flags";s:4:"Seen";s:9:"timestamp";d: 1131481730;s:1:"f";N;s:4:"seen";b:1;s:7:"deleted";b:0;s:6: "recent";b:0;s:8:"answered";b:0;s:4:"junk";N;s:12:"internaldate ";s:20:"08-Nov-2005 22:28:50";s:8:"is_reply";N;s:7:"charset";s: 10:"ISO-8859-1";}i:21216;O:14:"iilbasicheader":24:{s:2:"id";s:4: "1385";s:3:"uid";s:5:"21216";s:However the cache table is not empty and roundcube works as expected.
It's just ugly :) The host runs linux, Gentoo with Apache 1.3.33, Mysql 4.0.24 and PHP
4.3.11By the way. the variable $INSTALL_PATH in bugs.inc seems to be
discarded. I had to manually add a link to the logs dir in roundcube/ programm/include.-- Stefan Nicolin mailto:stefan@nicolinux.de http://www.nicolinux.org GnuPG/PGP Key-ID: 0x79D4B1AD