I just added the following comment to http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1488798:
Comment (by myfreexp):
Replying to [comment:2 alec]:
Yes. Signature above the quote is a bit more problematic for (draft)
message edition. Maybe we just shouldn't re-add signature on edit.
The same applies to the "Edit as new" function BTW. Such a message (at least in the Sent folder, and that's where this option makes most sense) does contain the signature already.
I'm also surprised that this option is available in other folders than "Sent" at all...
The response was that it may be spam and that I need to enter a captcha.
Besides the fact that the captcha dialogue doesn't offer a Send button (so the Enter key is the only way to send the text of the captcha apparently, but this is not indicated anywhere, so wild guessing is needed): What exactly is so suspicious with the text above that the Bugtracker is detecting it as possible spam...?
Michael Heydekamp Co-Admin freexp.de Düsseldorf/Germany