ok. this is the shorter version of what i just typed (had a long email but stupid roundcube timeout locked my out as i clicked send, maybe some type of keep-alive should be sent every minute when someone is composing a message)
system setup: OpenBSD 3.8 qmail smtp bincimap imap server roundcube cvs (co 2005.11.09 ~ 10pm EST) (i get the same effect with the 2005.10.21 release)
when i login with message[s] in my inbox i can login just fine. if there are no messages in my inbox the login just stalls, 'waiting for reply from webhost'.
now i know php and did a little searching and this is how far i got: the auth succeeds and the redirect gets sent.
index.php calls parse_template() (the END of parse_template where im getting *stuck*) // parse for specialtags $output = parse_rcube_xml($templ); $OUTPUT->write(trim(parse_with_globals($output)), $skin_path);
if ($exit) exit; }
now. if i put a die() right before the return() in parse_rcube_xml(), it dies. whether i have mail in the inbox or not.
BUT if i put a die() after the parse_rcube_xml() call (before the $OUTPUT->write call) it dies if i HAVE mail in my inbox does NOT die if i dont.
this through me through a loop for over an hour going back and forth with this. (yes i even went as far as wiping session table, and cookies, refreshing the login screen, inserting the die() statement, then clicking login (and did this many times with/without mail in the inbox)
if anyone knows any possible reason that is causing this any help would be greatful. i do plan on looking into this further this week[end] and possible submitting a patch if i ever find whats wrong.
if anyone has any clues or would like, im willing to add a user to the machine, with an apache vhost, email acct(of course), to mess around with this as to not effect my current running roundcube setup.
oddly this turned out to be about as long as my first email. :x