Bob's list software allowed users to have [RoundCube ..] prepended to the subject. So does mine, but Bob's is better in so far that this is a per-user setting. The software I am using, is .. global to all members on a given list.
Given that:
Please reply to me privately with which list(s) you're on and your opinion on whether to prepend the subject with [RoundCube ..] or not. Initial setting is off per common consensus of the moderators - but really, this is your list.
I'll evaluate the replies I get, and, if appropriate, make the neccesary changes.
Before you reply: Consider what your mail client can do for you. If you look at the headers in this message, you'll see something similiar to 'List-Id: RoundCube Users <>' which could be one way to organize your mail.
-jason new list operator for RC lists