These are a just a few small requests that I feel would improve the overall roundcube user experience. I understand you guys are very busy working on core functionality, and don't expect these changes anytime soon (assuming you agree with them), but figured they should be recorded somewhere for future consideration.
like your inbox, instead of the whole webpage scrolling? I think it looks better, is more consistant, and keeps the menus in view.
inbox, shift select individual emails, and control does nothing. I know that personally, I'm used to cntl selecting individual emails, and then shift selecting all the emails between the two clicks. Just something to consider.
window and then having to hit upload, could it just automatically upload the attachment after selecting it? The extra step seems uncessesary.
for the cookie duration? I have noticed that my roundcube login persists for hours, and in an enviroment with public computers, this could be dangerous. It would be nice if we could set this to a 30 minute timeout or something more standard along those lines.
email it keeps me in my inbox, and just dislpays the dialog up top with the "session timed out" message. Then, when I try to view a message again, it kicks me out to the login screen. Could this be adjusted so that it just kicks you strait to the login screen when your login has timed out?
Rob Smith wrote:
These are a just a few small requests that I feel would improve the overall roundcube user experience. I understand you guys are very busy working on core functionality, and don't expect these changes anytime soon (assuming you agree with them), but figured they should be recorded somewhere for future consideration.
- When you are reading an email message, could it be in a scroll-box
like your inbox, instead of the whole webpage scrolling? I think it looks better, is more consistant, and keeps the menus in view.
If anybody can solve this with CSS I would be happy because I was not able to support all bowsers.
- This is just something I noticed today. When selecting emails in the
inbox, shift select individual emails, and control does nothing. I know that personally, I'm used to cntl selecting individual emails, and then shift selecting all the emails between the two clicks. Just something to consider.
Have to check this. I think it could work but I'm not shure about the Macintosh browsers.
- When adding attachments, instead of selecting it in the browser
window and then having to hit upload, could it just automatically upload the attachment after selecting it? The extra step seems uncessesary.
Event-handling issue in JS. Also I think this step is not unnecessary.
- This is more from a server admin point of view. Is there a setting
for the cookie duration? I have noticed that my roundcube login persists for hours, and in an enviroment with public computers, this could be dangerous. It would be nice if we could set this to a 30 minute timeout or something more standard along those lines.
You could add a .htacces file where setting php_value session.gc_maxlifetime to whatever you like to have your session ducration. Will make this configurable in RoundCube once.
- When the session does time out, the first time I try to access the
email it keeps me in my inbox, and just dislpays the dialog up top with the "session timed out" message. Then, when I try to view a message again, it kicks me out to the login screen. Could this be adjusted so that it just kicks you strait to the login screen when your login has timed out?
Should be done in the latest CVS version.