Hey all, ive been wondering if we couldnt make a change to the way templates are rendered. If you look at the way this happens now, I think it's kinda backwards. Normally a plugin would call output->parse() to load a template, then inside the template add containers or objects to load data. Then this data is usually created inside php with kind of ugly code like:
$out .= ''<div id="mydiv">';
This totally counteracts the reason for having templates!
Wouldnt it be possible to add an associative data array to the parse function:
$output->parse('my_plugin.my_template', $data);
All elements inside the data array then get changed to variables that are usable inside the template.
$data = { 'my_array' =>array('1','2','3'), 'my_var' => $var }
So in the template you can say:
<div id="mydiv"> <ul> <?= foreach($my_array as $somevar) : ?> <li><?= $somevar ?></li> <? endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> -------
You can maybe do something similar using roundcube:env.. but it seems no one actually uses that.