Hi *,
I am in the process of deploying Roundcube (0.9.5) and so far everything
works fine, including the import of the addressbook of our legacy
Squirremail webmailer and the initial creation of the user via the
new_user_identity plugin using our LDAP server.
Now I only need a way to overwrite/set/force the identity of the user
from the LDAP server on every login of a user.
identities_level is set to 4 (one read-only identity) and populated
correctly on the first login, but users do things like marrying or
moving to different departments which changes their name and/or
This change needs to be reflected automatically inside roundcube without
the need (or possibility) for the user to edit the identity himself.
In Squirrelmail I was able to hack the retrieveuserdata plugin, which is
run on every login and overwrite the identity prefs with the current
values for a user from LDAP.
For Roundcube I have looked at the provided plugin hooks, but I am
currently a bit lost on how to proceed. The user_create hook is
obviously only invoked on the first login, so cannot be used for later
The user2mail hook looks promising but I was unable to find (and
understand) an example on how to use it (I am a Perl guy, PHP is like a
4th language for me ;)).
Maybe I overlooked the obvious simple solution, please gently nudge me
in the right direction.
Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.